Today my lover/artist/musician/partner/boyfriend returns. He was missing. For an entire month. Okay. He wasn’t missing as much as he was hiding. Hiding in our creative room, aka guest room, painting his little soul out. And now he’s back! Because the paintings are all done. All ten of them (yes TEN NEW PAINTINGS) and I got to see them first (as well as critique and question him muhaha). In any case, I am writing to inform you of their awesomeness and to let you know that you too could have the opportunity to see them (and even buy them if you’re extra special) this weekend at the Fall smART Show located in the beautiful Wicker Park area of Chicago at Sapere Art 341 in the Flat Irons Building 1579 Milwaukee Ave. The Show Friday starts around 7. We’ll be getting there around 8—if you want to meet the talented artist (and his muse, haha).
There’s a $5 entrance fee but if you go here you can print off a coupon:
And don’t worry there are 150 other artists displaying there work so there will be plenty to see, as well as music to hear and weird looking people to gawk at.
For more info on the smART show go here:
For more info on Ryan go here:
I wish I had the monies, that painting looks amazing. Good luck at the show!