Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Walk of Shame

It used to be referred to as anyone who had a one-night stand and walked home the next morning wearing the same clothes as the night before, uncombed hair, and very very bad breath. But now I've experienced a different type of walk of shame; that is the walk of someone with two Master's coming home from an interview in the service industry. The shame of not feeling like I even nailed a interview for a temporary job, the shame of basically almost begging to be a part of capitalism, full well knowing all of the evils but also being forced into that type of work because it's one of the only ways I can keep feeding and sheltering myself.

Have I thought about just becoming a whore? You bet your ass. WHY? Because I'm already getting fucked as it is, I mean fucked by this whole system (as is pretty much everyone else). And if pretty much everyone else is getting fucked by this system, why the fuck is it still in place? Why does anyone have to walk the walk of shame and not even get an orgasm from it? I don't get it. All I know is that I prefer theory to reality; as it seems that I am good at deconstructing reality but not so good at living in it.

But hey, at least I finally got an interview!

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