One our first day in NOLA my friend Lizz lost $60. She hoped that someone who needed it found it. I told her we'd make it back.
And we did.
First I found $2 wrapped in a recipt.
Then 92 cents.
After that I found a ten dollar bill crammed in the cracks of a sidewalk under a woman's heel. It was perfect timing since the bar had a $5 cover.
While in the bar I looked down and found a wad of cash totaling like $17.
Since it was Lizz's birthday we pinned a dollar to her shirt. I guess it's a thing in the south because people added dollars all night. I believe she made like $20. And we got drink after drink from people buying us rounds.
Money returned.
Just another example of believing in the universe. :)
Unreal! But awesome! :-)